en fr es




District de Thatta et Dadu, Province du Sindh


© Eduardo Diaz for Action Against Hunger US

Organisation porteuse
Action Against Hunger / Action Contre la Faim / Acción contra el Hambre

Canadian International Development Agency

A Link NCA has been carried out in the Thatta and Dadu district of Southern Sindh Province in Pakistan, a region that was hit by floods in 2010. Malnutrition is one of the most worrying health and welfare problems among infants and young children in the Sindh Province, resulting in serious health and economic consequences for both the individual and the family. Based on these and other related findings, this study arrives at the following conclusions to improve children nutritional levels in the areas. The GAM rate was classified as very critical before the start of the floods in 2011 with a rate of 21%. The following factors have found to have a direct influence on the nutritional state of the children in the region:
  • Lack of alternative income for households,
  • Insufficient continuous and regular breast feeding,
  • Inappropriate childhood feeding such as late introduction of supplementary food and lack of diversity in the food available.
  • Please refer to the full report to find out more about the information obtained from this study and the recommendations that have been made.

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